Our practice combines elements from Sōtō and Rinzai Zen adapted to a modern and contemporary context. Created in 1954, we are a lay group linked to a formal Zen lineage, Sanbō-Zen (Three Treasures). (See here for Sanbō-Zen Lineage Chart)

The Sanbō-Zen lineage has three aims: 1. To develop a consistent Zen practice and thereby increase concentration and steadiness of body-mind. 2. To experience kenshō (seeing our true-nature). 3. To actualize and apply Zen awareness in our daily life via continued zazen and koan work with an authorized teacher.

Sanbō-Zen has played a significant role in the transmission of Zen to the West over the past sixty years, and has a number of branches worldwide. Several well-known teachers in the West such as Philip Kapleau, Taizan Maezumi, Kōun Yamada and Robert Aitken trained in the Sanbō-Zen tradition.

Affiliated Organisations

Sanbō-Zen – https://ssl.sanbo-zen.org/cover_e.html

Sun Mountain Zensunmountainzen.org.au

Pathway Zen  –  www.pathwayzen.org.au

Moonlit Crane Zendo / Northern Lights Sangha of Manitoulin Island, Canada https://moonlitcranezendo.substack.com/

Mountain Moon Sangha of Ottawa - https://mountainmoonottawa.org/

Where It All Began

In 2024 members of MMZS travelled to Japan and visited Sanun Zendo in Kamakura, the first practice space for Sanbō-Zen built by Kōun Yamada Rōshi.

On the way to the zendo……

The zendo

Dharma Family photos (note a photo of our Founder, Seiun An (Roselyn Stone) Rōshi in the memorial space in the first photo)